Who We Are
We are an independent, non-profit magazine covering geopolitics, human rights, and social justice issues in the Middle East and North Africa (‘MENA’). We offer political and human rights researchers, journalists, activists, and opinion influencers the space to share their views with the rest of the world. LevantX is fully run by a network of volunteer contributors and analysts. We are based in Beirut, London and Toronto.
LevantX originally began as Middle East Sight in 2017 as a one-person operation. Having identified a market for alternative narratives in Lebanon, the organisation rebranded in 2020 with the same ethos. Under the co-management of new director Scott Burns, LevantX has launched a film, two podcasts, and expanded their coverage of the entire MENA region.
Our Values
Freedom of speech, opinion, and belief
Free and independent journalism is at the core of our work. We stand behind our contributors' right to express and publish their opinion and views with zero restrictions. We do not tolerate any pressure exercised on any of our contributors to draft, take down, or amend their publications prior to or after publishing.
Human rights advocacy
We are vocal about human rights violations experienced by people across the Middle East and North Africa and work to monitor, analyse, and document authoritarian practices in the region. The principles of human rights and democracy are at the centre of our mission.
Collaboration beyond borders
We are predominantly run by a network of volunteer contributors and analysts working remotely from their country of residence. Their contribution is priceless. We value the multi-cultural nature of our work and promote dialogue and information sharing globally.
We honour each of our contributors and volunteers regardless of their race, ethnic background, religion, sexual orientation and gender identity. We provide equal opportunities for engagement and growth with the LevantX community through an open and participatory approach.
Non-profit integrity
We do not work for lucrative purposes. Any funding or financial support will only serve to sustain the operations and creative costs of LevantX . We reject any conditional financial contribution and ensure that contributors are not financially incentivised to publish their work.
Our Team
Scott is LevantX's Chief Growth Officer and supervises the development and growth of the platform.

Camil Abi Najem is in charge of our People & Culture department, he strives to motivate and drive LevantX's staff to do their best, ensures that everyone is comfortable in their positions, and maintains our organization's internal culture.

Nareeman has a Masters in Public Relations. She manages the Black Pearls section here at LevantX and is a host on our Arabic podcast, Kalam Casual.

Fatima Zahra is an amazing black Moroccan activist who strives to give voice to other black people in both Morocco and in the SWANA region in general. Alongside her job as an IT project manager, she is very interested in questions of race and identity and tries to explore them through her work.

Sophie has a Masters in International Journalism and Politics. She’s passionate, zealous and is the host of the LevantX Podcast.

Louay is a regular contributor and manages the #Bel3arabi section here at LevantX. He is also a host on the new Arabic podcast Kalam Casual. He's passionate about everything Lebanon, loves summer days and travel, and is a fan of getting into long - sometimes heated - discussions on politics and philosophy.

Oliver is a multitalented journalist, photographer and videographer. He is based in Lebanon, covering the Middle-East and beyond.

Yara Halabi is a business marketing graduate from the American University of Beirut, with a lot of experience in digital marketing and social media. Outside of LevantX, she loves art in all its forms, including tattoos and graffiti.

Karam is an MBA graduate with an Academic Research background and journal publications. He is Games Editor at LevantX.
Staff members are available for news editorials, public events, and more.
Click here to see an example of external collaborations.
We Are Looking For You!
At LevantX, we believe every story matters. We offer political and human rights researchers, journalists, activists, and opinion influencers a space to share their views with the rest of the world. LevantX is fully operated by volunteers and interns remotely from around the world. If you are interested in contributing as a writer or content creator, please contact us through the form and we will get back to you. Good luck!
Follow us on Twitter @levant_x
The mood darkens slightly as we talk about health issues. #Depression is a big issue in the #LGBT Middle-Eastern co… https://t.co/JLadhsb5J8
The #Beirut branch of @hague_peace have one simple objective: supporting #activists working on the ground in… https://t.co/KzlGbVUkRm
Your #support makes it possible for us to keep creating important and diverse content. Head to our homepage and ch… https://t.co/j7ieHrknqs
في الجزء الثاني من حوارنا المخصص بيوم المرأة العالمي، خلونا نلقي نظرة مع @NareeDosa و @LouayFaour على زواج القاصرات… https://t.co/fLHuZUkwAh
I started discovering that I have developed strong anxieties related to past situations, as well as #agoraphobia wh… https://t.co/2UEzvt2QrP
#LevantX team is excited to announce we now have a Buy Me A Coffee page where you can support us. We are a… https://t.co/X0YBHpfxoi