Vivre à l'Intersection de Deux Identités
“Voici pourquoi j’ai créé cette plateforme nommée The Mazeej Project. Offrir un espace de partage et d’expression pour toutes les personnes qui jonglent douloureusement entre leur africanité et leur arabité”

Living in the Intersection of Two Identities
“This is why I created this platform called “The Mazeej Project”. To offer a space for sharing and expressing for all those people who are painfully juggling their Africanness and Arabness.”

The Afro-Saudi Experience
“You’re not one of us”; This is something black Saudis constantly hear from other non-black Saudis. Can you picture a society where you feel like a complete outcast? Now imagine always being reminded you don’t belong because of the color of your skin, a dilemma many Afro-Saudis face within their own society.

Black is Beautiful: Blackness and Desirability in SWANA
With the conversation pertaining to race issues going global, we’re now finally witnessing a conversation about race in the Arab world.
But what does that really mean?