Living in the Intersection of Two Identities
“This is why I created this platform called “The Mazeej Project”. To offer a space for sharing and expressing for all those people who are painfully juggling their Africanness and Arabness.”

The Afro-Saudi Experience
“You’re not one of us”; This is something black Saudis constantly hear from other non-black Saudis. Can you picture a society where you feel like a complete outcast? Now imagine always being reminded you don’t belong because of the color of your skin, a dilemma many Afro-Saudis face within their own society.

أول وبينار للآلئ سوداء - Black Pearls’ First Webinar!
To kick off Black Pearls, our section editor Nareeman Dosa sat down with Khawla Ksiksi, an activist and Co-founder of “Voices of Tunisian Black Women” and Amna Ali, founder of “Black Arabs Collective”. What was meant to be a 20-minute discussion about anti-Blackness in the SWANA region, quickly bloomed into an hour and a half of heartfelt and moving discussion. Please watch with caution, as this honest discussion may include references to verbal, physical and sexual abuse.

أصداء فلويد: الأفروعرب في الشرق الأوسط
لا أستطيع التنفس" كانت آخر كلمات نطق بها جورج فلويد قبل وفاته على يد شرطة مينيابوليس، في الخامس والعشرين من مايو. في فترة زمنية مدتها ٨ دقائق و٤٦ ثانية، شاهد العالم رجلاً أسودًا مقيد اليدين مثبتًا على الأرض، بينما يضغط شرطي أبيض بركبته على عنقه، متجاهلاً صرخاته المتكررة طلبًا للمساعدة